So I guess I better do an update on this past weekend because it was truly stupendous. Trev and I started off by heading down to grand rapids friday night. We met up with elizabeth at her place [cool loft, can't believe she's moving out]. Did some bar hopping but didn't find one we'd have liked to stay at so we drove over to good ol' Billy's Lounge, a jazz/blues club we frequent. Did some drinking. Did some dancing. Had a good time.

Saturday we chilled out at her place while she worked and watched some movies [ie, army of darkness…] and at about 4 we went and got in line at the church to see Micheal Moore speak. Of course it was freezing outside and we had to get there about an hour and a half early. Thank gawd for that though because there were about 3000 people who didn't get in. Including elizabeth because she got out of work late. But the speech was totally, completely exhilerating. I've never felt so in-touch with so many people before….ever. And to top it all off, it was sorta ironic that it was in a church. He was at the podium where a priest/pastor/whatever would stand. Everytime he cursed, he'd look up at the painting of jesus and wince…or make lightning bolt animations/sounds. The church was beautiful. Most of the people were pretty cool, too, because a lot of them were Kendall art students. Though there were people of all demographics there, surprisingly enough. Grand Rapids is an awesome town. Despite it's relatively high republican population, it has a pretty big counter culture. Later that night we went and bought the Dane Cook CD/DVD and laughed half the night away. And then I fucked the rest of the night. Gawgeous.

<lj-cut text="heres some pictures from this weekend">

^ church
Bryan @bryan